Friday, April 10, 2009

consistently inconsistent

i got a few of you with my April Fools Joke, the best being my mother who was ready to get on a plane to come take care of me. She's greatest, and I definitely got the best reaction from her. I was laughing uncontrollably and she didn't appreciate it.

My training has been a little inconsistent for the past 10 days b/c of my move. I moved my stuff into my new apartment on the 31st, but was not able to move myself in, yet. The building I moved into didn't receive it's Certificate of Occupancy from the city, so myself and 27 other suckers haven't been able to move in. The company that owns the building also owns a nice hotel in midtown, so i have been living there for the past 10 days. It could be worse, they could own a Best Western by Laguardia, but i'm ready to move in. Hopefully this coming week, it will happen. Living in a hotel room has made me feel like i'm on tour or something, I'm thinking of myself at the 4th Jonas Brother these days.

This living situation has left me without my regular routine. I'm a guy that loves routine, i try to create routine in everything that I do. I like the consistency of it. That being said, one positive thing about the hotel is it's about 4 blocks from Central Park, so I have been able to get out there before work to run and cycle. My swimming is probably suffering the most, but I can get that back quickly. There is a pool at the hotel, but dodging all the rugrats that are here on spring break, has made it less than appealing. It's also only about 15 yards long, which give me about 5 strokes before I hit the wall at the other end.

One other positive thing, i purchased a brand new triathlon bike. I'm officially one of those guys, i struggled with being "that guy" on one of "those bikes", but i decided to go for it. I'm happy I did. My new rig is faster and puts me in a more aggressive position. Once my body gets used to it, it will be great and hopefully will help in the long run. She needs a name, so send me your suggestions.

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