Friday, January 30, 2009

1st Day of Practice Eve

It's been a few days and it's time for an update.  Let's start with Wednesday.  I rode by bike on the trainer for a hour, again.  Another boring ride of catching up on game shows and sitcoms.  I shouldn't complain, or let me rephrase that, i'm going to be riding for 6+ hours come spring, so I better get used to sitting on that seat.
Last night we had our Tri2Be kick off party at a bar on the UWS.  Basically it was a meeting and greet.  It was a really good time, I met most of the team, of which I knew very few of them.  I was really impressed by the athletic  accomplishments of the team that i'm now a part of.  Most of the team came from Team in Training, specifically the marathon program.  Ramon, our coach, is the coach of the marathon team.  There must have been 6 or 7 Boston Marathoner qualifiers in the group, guys that run sub 3 hour marathons, women that are just over 3 hours.  Oh and 7 or 8 Ironmen/Ironwomen as well.  I'm both impressed and intimidated.  I'm hoping this group of runners will be very helpful to me and my training b/c the running portion of the triathlon is by far my poorest leg.  I would venture to say i've never had a good run in any triathlon that i've done.  something else i notice was how supportive this group was.  everyone seemed genuinely interested in my race, me, getting to know me and was really excited about triathlon.  I left the bar feeling good, and not just from the beers.
This week i've received my first official training schedule.  Tonight was my first day of following it.  Guess what, it was another bike ride.  I mounted up on the trainer again, banged out and hour, worked my core for 20 min or so and was done for the night.  In preparation for our first team practice tomorrow, i of course had two of my favorite things for dinner.  Those would be spaghetti and meatballs.  I'm a big fan of pasta, so training season allows me to indulge often.  It's now a few minutes to midnight, time to get into bed to be ready to run with the team tomorrow.  We are meeting at the track on the FDR and 6th st. to establish a maximum heart rate.  This sounds like sprints to me.  god help me, i run at one pace, so tomorrow should be interesting.  stay tuned...........

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